Tuesday, November 22, 2005

22 November 2005

Dear diary,

Why do we always make mistakes?

After I made one, I always hope that I've never done it. But it's already happened. I can not do anything to change something that already happened.

Arrrrrrrrrgh! I can feel my own guilt runing trough my blood and stab me every where and every time I remember my mistakes.

But after I think about it again, we made mistake to learn about our shortcomings and life it self. If we never made one, what's the point of living?

Well, I feel better now. Even I still could feel the pain of guilt, sooner or later i'll forget how it feels.

(Forgive me my friends, for everything I've done to you that might cause some tears to your eyes or wound to your heart... I really mean it. I really, really am.)


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